Virtual and In-Person • Half Day to Two Days
Inquiry-Driven Leadership
Inquiry-Driven Leadership
What if you could unlock a better answer to your most vexing problem just by changing the question? This new, highly interactive workshop helps executives cultivate deeply inquisitive leadership practices that can lead to breakthrough results. Bring a real challenge to workshop in the workshop and leave with research-based insights and methods for transforming yourself, your teams and your organization into being more curious, fearless, and ultimately, innovative.
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Explore the Workshop Framework
Explore the Workshop Framework
navigating transitions DURING DISRUPTIVE Change
navigating transitions DURING DISRUPTIVE Change
Transitions are inevitable, in work and in life. Navigating them well is every leader’s responsibility. Building on the Transition-Curve Framework (research and practice on adjustment, learning, emotional response curves, and more), this unique workshop will help you better manage uncertainty and successfully lead others through the behavioral, cognitive, and emotional arcs that accompany disruptive change.
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Leading Successful Transitions in a Digitally-Driven World
“Five Day Workshop with Coaching”
Leading Successful Transitions in a Digitally-Driven World
“Five Day Workshop with Coaching”
Disruptive technologies are fueling digital transformation at unprecedented levels, demanding us to rethink our roles and tasks, adopt new responsibilities, and manage the range of emotions that result from all the above. Navigating the transitions sparked by digitally-driven change requires deep awareness—of ourselves and others. This in-depth workshop leverages leadership assessments and group coaching to provide leaders with insights, tools, and frameworks for navigating the human side of these transitions.
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Explore the Workshop Framework
Explore the Workshop Framework
Innovation-Driven Leadership
innovation-driven leadership
Innovation is a big buzzword that means different things to different people. Where do innovative and revolutionary business ideas come from? According to research by Hal Gregersen, co-author of The Innovator’s DNA and executive director of the MIT Leadership Center, mastering five key skills forms the foundation for finding ideas that create value. This innovation workshop helps executives learn to achieve breakthrough insights through self-assessment, catalytic questioning, deep observation, diverse networking, and rapid experimentation.
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Framing Fearless Questions
Framing Fearless Questions
Photography has long been a way of asking questions about ourselves and the world we live in. What if we designed our practices of photography to help us build better – even fearless – questions that unlocked more creative impact as photographers and innovators? In three dynamic sessions, Doug Menuez and Hal Gregersen share how photography helped them make better sense of their lives and how they became a crucial tool for discovery, growth, and most importantly, asking and answering fearless questions.
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Explore the Workshop Experience
Explore the Workshop Experience
Creating Clarity Out of Chaos
Creating Clarity Out of Chaos
Much is required of today’s leaders. They must be able reimagine organizational strategies, design new company cultures, arrive at breakthrough solutions, and align teams around inspiring visions for the future. Led by Hal Gregersen, an authority on creating fearless innovation cultures in companies, and Sam Abell, a photographer known for his poetic photographs in National Geographic, this unique three-day workshop immerses participants in a world of dynamic new possibilities for leadership growth, transformation, and seeing the world more clearly.
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“Hal Gregersen’s highly interactive 90-minute workshop on the Innovator’s DNA was the keynote for an internal conference on innovation for our key executives, product managers, and marketing managers. Not only did Hal exceed our expectations, he held the entire audience spellbound. Hal’s combination of superior intellect, his willingness to share many years of scholarship and field work on innovation, his warm personal style, natural curiosity, and humility resonated exceptionally well with the audience and they rewarded him with their undivided attention and a standing ovation. Both during and after his presentation, our executives came up to me and praised everything about Hal and his message. Hal’s presentation set the tone for the rest of the conference and attendees referred to Hal’s concepts repeatedly over the next three days. I would recommend him to any company that is serious about becoming a leading innovator in your industry.”