Generating Ideas: A Process for Breakthrough Innovation

06.14.2023 – Adopt a seven-step approach for generating new ideas and solving intractable problems.
GPT Natives: What Will They Look Like?

06.06.23 – GPT natives will be the highly advanced turbo-charged versions of generation AI and they are going to shake the world.
The Quest of the Question

04.15.2023 – Using questions to understand others, strengthen relationships, and improve oneself is a meaningful skill in any occupation.
Squaring The CEO’s Inner Circle

02.07.2023 – There’s a myth that CEOs can see around corners: that they’re the smartest executive in the room; that they know more than anyone else in their organization; that they are, in a word, omniscient.
Boost Brainstorming Sessions By Asking The Right Questions

01.27.2023 – Piercing questions unleash creativity. Posing thoughtful inquiries leads participants to rethink assumptions and adopt new ways of seeing the world.
Healing Space | Digital disruption is disruptive

11.12.2022 – There are no users, only people. And while disruption has become a byword of the tech industry, how much does it affect you?
The Art of Asking Fearless Questions as an Engineer

06.13.2022 – Many of us think we’re asking questions when what we’re really doing is recommending how to solve a problem.
4 Steps to Creating a Strategy in an Uncertain World

06.03.2022 – The past few years have seen unprecedented disruptions, and companies are finding it nearly impossible to plan for the future. Such a volatile environment requires a new approach to devising strategy. Turning a world of uncertainty into a world of possibility requires a change of perspective, a new mindset on the part of […]
Managing the Human Side of Digital Disruption

02.14.2022 – Worker resignations. Digital disruption. Change at hyper-speed. These are some of the realities organizations and their leaders face every day as they also confront the overarching challenges of the pandemic, global politics, and climate change.
The Myth of Keeping Busy

04.19.2023 – While being “busy” may seem important, simply being busy to be busy accomplishes nothing. There are a number of creative ways to help avoid busywork. It is not only possible to avoid busywork, but rewarding and meaningful as well.